我公司承建的辽宁省葫芦岛市生活垃圾焚烧发电项目烟气净化工程于2023年05月08日通过72+24小时试运行。 The flue gas cleaning (FGC) project undertaken by Huaxing-east for the waste incineration power plant in Huludao, Liaoning has passed 72+24 hours of trial operation on May 8, 2023.
该项目总规模为日处理生活垃圾1200吨,配置2×600t/d机械炉排焚烧炉+1×25MW中温中压凝汽式汽轮机发电机组。烟气处理采用“半干法(旋转喷雾反应塔)+干法(喷射氢氧化钙)+活性炭喷射+布袋除尘器+飞灰输送及存储”的烟气净化工艺,为我司EPC工程。 The plant process capacity is 1200 t/d, equiped with 2×600 t/d mechanical grate and 1×25 MW medium temperature and pressure condensing steam turbine. The FGC process applied "semi-dry rotary spray absorber + dry injection of calcium hydroxide + activated carbon injection + bag filter + fly ash conveying and storage". It's an EPC project of Huaxing.
华星东方在辽宁省的业绩涵盖包括:沈阳铁西、沈阳康平、大连庄河、鞍山海城、葫芦岛、朝阳凌源等多个项目。 Huaxing-east's performances in Liaoning Province include Tiexi in Shenyang, Kangping in Shenyang, Zhuanghe in Dalian, Haicheng in Anshan, Huludao, and Lingyuan in Chaoyang.